5G RuralDorset wins the first Access Innovation Award
For the second year in a row the ground-breaking 5G RuralDorset project has been honoured with an award at this years’ Connected Britain conference in London.
For the second year in a row the ground-breaking 5G RuralDorset project has been honoured with an award at this years’ Connected Britain conference in London.
As the ground-breaking and multi-award winning 5G RuralDorset research and development project draws to a close, attentions have turned to the legacy that the project’s work will leave for the people of Dorset.
Against the backdrop of massive industry change, including ambitions to meet net zero, worldwide food production pressures and increasing UK food security concerns due to Ukraine’s ongoing invasion, our farming communities are in a challenging period.
5G RuralDorset is working with semiconductor company Qualcomm Technologies Inc., to investigate how next-generation connectivity can revolutionise agriculture, increase productivity and reduce environmental impact.
5G RuralDorset project partner JET Engineering System Solutions has successfully deployed and demonstrated a live streaming underwater 4K camera on one of its 5G connected buoys.
Our latest report looks at the crucial role of collaboration in research and development projects and draws on the experience of 5 DCMS testbeds and trials projects.
During January and February this year the 5G RuralDorset team, project partners and wider stakeholders ran workshops to establish what legacy the project could leave. The resulting report published here, outlines how use cases might be stacked and provides a number of options for next steps ranging from extending the existing 5G RuralDorset project, to a wider local and regional roll out or a more ambitions national rollout.
How NB-IoT can help rural communities gain access to reliable connectivity to enable multiple 5G use cases to operate side by side.
The 5G RuralDorset project has extended its Government-funded trials looking to support vulnerable independent people (VIPs) in their own homes.
This download details and reports on our recent Dynamic Spectrum Sharing demonstration.